Online Super Coach

Expanding Your Reach with Promotional Items

Expanding Your Reach with Promotional Items - 1/25/24

        In the beginning, while you’re figuring out what your niche is, it’s best not to commit too strongly to a brand, as rebranding can be costly and potentially cause some confusion with your target audience especially if you’re not very well established. But once you’ve reached a certain level and have built up a solid reputation (and client base/following) you can get some branding going and order some merch. 

These promo items can come in a lot of forms, for a fitness brand apparel, water bottles and other athletic gear make the most sense. You’ll want to give them to your longtime customers and your greatest success stories, and this will serve two purposes:

  1. It’s a nice way to show your appreciation for your loyal customers, and it’s a very inexpensive way to enhance your customer retention efforts. People are usually very excited to get freebies, even small things like a water bottle or a t-shirt. 
  2. They’ll help you expand your reach beyond the internet – if one of your best success stories who is in great shape is out in the world rocking your merch, it could lead to a conversation and a potential lead, or at least put your name/brand in the mind of someone in your target audience who hasn’t already found you through social media. They might get home from the grocery store after seeing one of your fit clients and look you up. 

        Again, the items you give out don’t need to be anything crazy expensive, they just need to be of high enough quality and great enough utility that the people you give them to will keep them and use them (preferably in public!). The people who are the most excited about the results you’ve been getting them will be very happy to rock your shirt/hat when they post their transformation pictures and videos on their own social media, and it’s a way easier way for them to get the word out about your services than asking them for a formal testimonial.

        At Online SuperCoach, we’re here to help you find more ways to increase your reach so you can get in front of your target audience and build the fitness business you’ve always dreamed of.


Dennison Silvio



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