Online Super Coach

You’ll Never Be Ready

You’ll Never Be Ready - 2/29/24

        You’re never truly going to be ready. Do you think you can prepare for every possibility? Not if you’re making a big leap. If you’re playing it safe, staying in your comfort zone, you can prepare because you know what to expect. But if you’re truly trying something new and looking to transform your life? You have no idea what it’s really going to be like on the other side. Your expectations and reality will never be perfect mirror images of each other. 

        So prepare. Make a game plan for the different outcomes you can imagine. Then prepare yourself by acknowledging that you’re unprepared for the outcomes you can’t imagine. That’s probably a little scary, but it doesn’t matter. Do it scared. Don’t use not being ready as an excuse to hide from your destiny. The unknown contains opportunity. Expect success, and prepare yourself for the possibility of failure. Failure is worth celebrating. It means you took a concrete step toward achieving something, it’s an opportunity to learn. What’s more frightening is looking back one day and realizing you spent all your time preparing and none of your time acting on those preparations. Nothing really prepares you for that outcome, either. You might even waste too much time preparing for the wrong thing.

        So no matter how hard you try you’ll never be ready for the biggest transformative events in your life. So you might as well get started, ready or not.


Dennison Silvio



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