Online Super Coach

You’ve Got What People Want

You’ve Got What People Want - 2/22/24

        There can be a tendency for people who are new to sales to be a bit bashful about actually selling, especially if their real profession is something other than sales (for example, if you happen to be a fitness coach). This can be compounded if you haven’t experienced the benefits of the product firsthand and thus you are not a “true believer” in the power of the product. 

        Luckily, as a fitness professional, half the battle is already fought for you. You understand on a deep level the value of fitness for every person on the planet. There is essentially nobody who wouldn’t benefit from improving their health and wellness through fitness training. For some people it could even be life-saving. You’re not selling useless widgets or dubious financial products – you’re transforming people’s lives. Maybe you’ll encounter the occasional person who thinks they’re fine just the way they are – don’t try to change their minds, those people are probably uncoachable. For everyone else, the question isn’t whether they want to be more physically fit, it’s how much more they want to do it. Enough to actually do something about it? Maybe they just need a push, and you can demonstrate to these prospects that you are the push they need. All they need to do is take your hand and you can give them what they have been dreaming about. This should serve to add just a little bit of swagger to your sales pitch; you can subtly remind your prospects that they want to work with you, not the other way around. There’s no shortage of people who need what you can do. You want to help them, but you don’t need to beg. This feeling can also be helpful when it comes time to negotiate pricing. Again, you’ve got what they want: you have more leverage. They might threaten to go work with someone else, but if they really wanted to work with someone else, would they be talking to you first? (If you’re their back up plan, it might be wise to find out why they didn’t go with the first trainer and see if they dodged a bullet by not picking up the client). 

        So don’t be shy! You aren’t selling anyone anything they don’t want, you’re not a bother. Walk into those sales calls and conversations with your head held high. What you’re offering is a big deal, and one of the best deals that client will ever get. At Online SuperCoach, we’re here to help you get over your first-sale jitters and to help you maintain your mojo through the ups and downs of the prospecting and sales cycle.


Dennison Silvio



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